Mobile GamesNews

How Gimmighoul and Postcard Sending To Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Will Work Pokemon Go

Another day, another Pokemon Go revelation. Supposedly this one will be pushed into the game without any problems and crashes, although that is highly likely to happen.

Our dear PokeMiners have found something, and judging from the code, it seems like it will be a very exciting feature. Or not. There have been a lot of talks about Gimmighoul, Golden Stops Scarlet/Violet, and thanks to the recent texts, we now know what is going to happen in the next few days.

The new implementation will be about Postcards and sending them to Scarlet/Violet. As the text shows, Postcards are to be sent to Scarlet/Violet, which will grant you a Sparkly Incense or a Coin Bag. Each of these items has a function of its own, where the Coin bag ( if collected in a certain amount) will spawn into a Gimmighoul. The assumption is that you will need around 100 Coin Bags to spawn Gimmighoul.

The main question is: How do you get these Coin Bags? As the text illustrates, you will get those Coin Bags from the Sparkly Lures. This type of Lure is supposedly turning a PokeStop into a Golden Stop, which will later on drop these Coin Bags that are needed for a Gimmighoul spawn. The coins are also obtainable through catching Gimmighoul.

Now, many are wondering, what happens if you do not own Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet? Do not worry about this, as there is another way of getting Gimmighoul, and that is by activating a Sparkly Lure.

This awfully lot looks like the mechanic behind the Mystery Box and the spawning of Meltan.

While looking at the text codes, it appears that there are a lot of errors and mishaps, which are already confirmed by our PokeMiners. Wrong names for wrong items, but all we have to do is wait for Monday and see what happens.

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Ivana Kachurova

Fresh out-of-uni writer, with a passion for gaming (a girl that likes games?!) and technology, as the newest addition to the FGR family, she will make sure to keep up with the latest news happening in the gaming community and report to you as fast as she can. Faster than The Flash. As an absolute fan of Shakespeare (the greatest human being, duh) you might find her where the gaming world and the literature world collide. The best of both worlds.

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