
We do not want Anthem to be another failure, therefore BioWare should consider this…

As a retired gamer to some MMO titles that have disappointed me over the past, I’d like to discuss something about the upcoming Sci-fi MMO which is developed by BioWare, Anthem. Anthem has quite the potential, but it might turn into garbage with just one careless mistake.

Therefore, BioWare, open your eyes on the following highlights:

  1. Story – Even if lots of games that require grinding but still miss a good intro and story, are found to be disbanded by the majority of players.
  2. BIG A** world – I’ve heard you’re turning the world into something that players have never seen, so let’s hope it will be like that. BIG and neverending, how’s that sound? Ye, make it that way.
  3. GRIND, GRIND, WHOLE LOT OF GRINDY CONTENT – Now as much as boring it sounds, hardcore players are used to grinding their gear, and they love to take the hard way. They also hate players who can achieve the same level as them in just one day (except if they’re fortunate and get loot out of nowhere), so keep this in mind.
  4. PVE/PVP – I do not know how this will look, especially the PVP. But you better find a way to balance things out and if something’s off the hook make sure you address it as fast as possible.
  5. Anti-Cheat – This, this is a god tier among AAA titles. If you miss this and struggle to find a good way to prevent cheating in your game, may your game RIP.
  6. Hard to kill enemies or BULLET SPONGE – Yeah, no matter what you read online, BULLET SPONGE means hard to kill, make it be that way. I am tired of players who want to do the hardest content but still whine about how hard the content is, seriously TIRED! They should start playing Tetris if they have anything against it. On the other side, I am sure that the majority of hardcore gamers would prefer dealing with harder content.
  7. MICROTRANSACTIONS – Do not make it pay to win even if EA is the publisher and we know how sometimes Publishers are a severe pain to deal with. Otherwise, we’re ok with cosmetics.

I’ve played similar titles like The Division, and I do not want to see another failure as I am honestly tired of jumping in another MMO game for which promises to bring the bread ‘n butter, but it always turns the opposite. You need to make sure your sci-fi disease spreads among the majority of players so not only they lose their breath when the game comes out, but they remain and infect others as well. And not just then, but also after months of playing.

A game developer, which is a good friend of mine says, developers just need to play WoW for three months and find out how grindy it is. The mechanics it has will simply work in any other game. Remember that the beginning of the journey is also crucial, for which sets a steady path on where the players are heading next. So, may God help you achieve all of that and best of luck on becoming a game of the year.

Now before you criticize or talk anything about the highlights above, I have:

  • 8000+ played hours or more in Counter-Strike 1.6 and CS GO
  • 7000+ hours in Dota 2
  • 2000+ hours in Diablo 3
  • 1000+ hours in The Division
  • 1000+ hours in WoW
  • 1000+ hours in Arma 3

…and countless, countless, countless of other games I’ve played. So please, keep quiet on telling me what’s good or bad and support the flow I’ve set, I’ll kindly appreciate it. On the other side, If you’d like to add something to the list, make sure you contact us.

If you are a video game developer and you have a submission to make, you can mail us at

Angel Kicevski

I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In a blink of an eye, I became a hardcore gamer. A couple of years later, I traversed to the professional Counter-Strike 1.6 scene. After the competitive ERA, I managed to find the gaming industry amusing and started working on FGR. My mission is to lurk and discover secrets, create guides and provide you with some important news. I mostly play FPS and love experimenting in good MMORPGs.

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