
Escape From Tarkov Teases Lighthouse’s Upcoming Rogue Bosses, Big Pipe, Knight, and Birdeye

Big Pipe is running big guns, Knight is here to shuffle in some lower calibers, and BirdEye is preparing his eagle eyes.

Update 3: Today, Battlestate Games prescribed the Rogue Bosses and their Unit as The Goons. While everyone believed the upcoming group of Rogue Bosses will consist of four operatives, BSG has teased only three so far. We believe that The Goons will deliver a stopping power like never seen before. May God help us! You can see them in the picture below:

The Goons Rogue Bosses
The Goons

Update 2: Another Rogue Boss was recently teased. It seems that BirdEye will be joining the group of Rogue Bosses on Lighthouse. The image background is also around the Water Treatment, but that doesn’t really indicate his definite positioning. He might be destined to accompany the LightKeeper too, as we have no concrete evidence of his existence so far. BirdEye is a designated marksman, operating with Remington R11 RSASS 7.62×51. You can see him in the picture below:

BirdEye, Escape From Tarkov Lighthouse Rogue Boss
BirdEye, Escape From Tarkov Rogue Boss

Update 1: Apparently, there are two new Rogue Bosses. Aside from Big Pipe, there seems to be one more joining the Rogue Boss Lineup. The second one was revealed some time ago, and it’s named Knight. Unlike Big Pipe, this guy packs a smaller caliber and reminds us of the shadowy figure in the background of the picture with the new in-raid trader. If I was to guess, this one could be covering the area around the Lighthouse itself, while the other one will coordinate the whole Water Treatment plant. There’s also a big possibility they secure the Lightkeeper at the same time.

You can see Knight in the picture below:

Lighthouse Rogue Boss Knight
Rogue Boss Knight

Escape From Tarkov’s latest Lighthouse map has been quite the experience, considering that it brought a completely new faction to the table. The map hasn’t been released fully yet, and it’s due to getting an expansion soon. Shortly after revealing the new Lighthouse expansion and the new in-raid trader, on Tuesday, the developer has posted another surprise. A new Rogue Boss is about to deploy into Water Treatment and give his boys an extra hand.

The new boss is named Big Pipe, a name that’s obviously inspired by his lousy smoking habit. He likes to smoke a pipe, and I wouldn’t mind him, not at all. Big Pipe has a scary-looking model and corresponds to terrifying weaponry. According to the recent image teased by Battlestate Games, the guy is obviously not a joke as he’s running them big guns. A Grenade Launcher that’s ready to give a warm welcome to all the PMCs on the map.

Since the release of Lighthouse, the aggression set by the Rogues has trimmed down, considering that players found cheesy ways to dispose of them quickly. Not that they’re easy to conquer, but the experience speaks for itself. However, with Big Pipe in charge of the Water Treatment, things are most likely going to swing in another direction. Having someone being able to coordinate the unit is even scarier than fighting the unit itself. Our estimation of his deployment is somewhere around the next wipe, so until then, have fun playing on Lighthouse.

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Angel Kicevski

I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In a blink of an eye, I became a hardcore gamer. A couple of years later, I traversed to the professional Counter-Strike 1.6 scene. After the competitive ERA, I managed to find the gaming industry amusing and started working on FGR. My mission is to lurk and discover secrets, create guides and provide you with some important news. I mostly play FPS and love experimenting in good MMORPGs.

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